Frequently Asked Questions

Here is a list of questions we frequently get asked. This is not our main job, this is a side job so we cannot always answer emails quickly, please check for your question on the list below BEFORE sending us an email.

Do you offer support for products not sold by FordThink.org?

No, we only offer support for products sold by FordThink.org

Where is my order?

If you purchased an item, it is either in production or waiting to be shipped. Trust us, we have the order. You should receive tracking information at the email you provided once the label is created.

Why does it take so long to ship?

Unfortunately, we are not Amazon, we build these by-hand in our office here in the USA. Some components are printed, others need to be soldered, and all the products need to be tested.
As seen above, this is a side job. We work to get your orders out as soon as we are able, but sometimes parts don’t arrive on time, and we can face many other delays. Your patience is always appreciated.

It says clusters are in stock but mine hasn’t shipped yet, what’s going on?

We do the clusters on a batch ordering system. We want to make sure we have enough demand to justify a batch order of boards, therefore we add quantity “in stock” so people are able to purchase.
Depending on our board supplier it can take anywhere between 2-4 weeks in-between batches.

How do I setup my new cluster?

Please visit our setup video on YouTube:

My cart is acting weird, can you help me debug it?

No, we do not offer debugging services for anything unrelated to issues with a FordThink.org product.
We recommend you join the FordThinkNation Facebook Group for general support:

I can’t seem to factory reset my cluster even after following the setup video.

Double check that your select button on your decal is working properly, if not, we sell replacements.
Check your key functionality, if it is faulty, we sell replacements.
If you have checked the above and are still having issues, please reach out. If not, please check the above and then reach out.

I’m looking for a specific part for my Think, can you help?

Please visit the “Manuals and Info” section located on the homepage, it will contain a list of known OEM and/or compatible parts. If the part is not listed reach out to the FordThink Buy & Sell Facebook Group:
Ford Think Buy & Sell

I was thinking about buying a Think, can I send the listing to see if it’s a good deal.

No, that would be a better question suited for the FordThinkNation Facebook Group or the FordThink Buy & Sell Facebook Group:
Ford Think Buy & Sell

What kind of batteries should I get for my Think?

This is a question for the FordThinkNation Facebook Group:

However, we have seen some people have success with the 72V batteries by BatteryEVO:

My new cluster won’t turn on, help!

This could be indicative of a blown fuse in one of the green fuse holders, check the continuity of the fuses. They are standard 5×20 250A 1A fuses that can be found at any local auto parts store. If the fuse continues to blow, you may have a wiring issue.

If the fuses are fine, you may have an issue with your key switch check continuity on your switch.

If you are still unable to solve the issue, please reach out to support@fordthink.org

My cart shut off during the setup process and now the screen is frozen.

The instructions state that the cart cannot be turned off during the startup process or the cluster will be bricked. You will need to send it back to us to re-flash the board. Please avoid turning off your cart during the bootup process.

For bricked clusters, please reach out to: support@fordthink.org

My battery level isn’t correct on the cluster, how do I change it?

The cluster works off of battery pack voltage, you will need to factory reset your cluster
Instructions on the installation and how to reset the unit can be found here.

I installed my cluster and the GPS light is red and the speedometer won’t update, why?

The speedometer only works if the cluster is able to locate GPS satellites. Ensure your cart has a clear line of sight to the sky during the initial setup. It can take around 5-10 minutes after first installing your cluster to determine your location depending on obstructions.

You said it gathers my location, am I being tracked?

No, the cart only uses it to gather speed data, it has no networking or cellular communication abilities.